Plan B and American Moral Indifference by Dennis E. Green August 27, 2006 Category: Social Issues | HERE HAS BEEN talk for years about the "morning after pill" or the "abortion pill". Those who have been following the promotion of Levonorgestrel, or "Plan B", as it is called, aren't very surprised that it has been approved for over-the-counter sales. After all, the FDA has given its stamp of approval to dozens of other methods of killing the preborn. The Pill (in many of its various forms), the IUD, Norplant, Depo-Provera, etc. all have the potential of killing the newly conceived human.
Human life has been devalued to such a degree in this throw-away society that a newly conceived person is often viewed as a mere inconvenience. Rather than the joy and excitement once felt by the news of a baby on the way, the first thoughts are all too often those of despair at our life being interrupted by an unwelcome intruder. Lucky for us, we now have the option to rid ourselves of the consequences of our sexual behavior with a pop of a pill and a gulp of water.
Pro-life organizations have spent many hours and piles of money educating President Bush as to the dangers of the Plan B human pesticide to no avail. The administration has shown its true colors. Career politicians as a rule tend to travel the easy road of moral compromise and all the while boldly proclaim themselves to be heroes of virtue. When all is said and done, fancy speeches touting the uncompromising stance of the elected official will sway the masses more than the true history of broken promises and innocent lives lost. The innocent all too often must pay for the sins of the morally bankrupt.
To make abortifacient drugs such as levonorgestrel, more palatable to the public, the pharmaceutical industry has worked to redefine "conception". Up until the late 1980's medical journals, dictionaries and scholarly papers all defined conception as the union of the sperm and the egg. At this point, a new distinct human has been created. Its DNA is different than that of his parents and all that is needed for the person to live to a ripe old age is time and nutrition. This was always common knowledge and the dissemination of such information doesn't help the sale of the various deadly brews on the market. To counteract the obvious, the definition of the word, "conception" was changed to mean the point in time when the already created human implanted in the uterine wall. Thus conception was equated with implantation. Magically, with the change in definition, Plan B was no longer an "abortion pill" but rather just an innocuous little pack of pills that would prevent a pregnancy.
Definitions can be juggled and uninformed people can be fooled but the FDA knew exactly what Plan B was as did the current administration that used its influence to push through its approval.
It's easy for the populace to be duped when standards of righteousness and truth have been blurred to such a degree that the only argument on the table of debate is over which methods of killing the preborn are the best and least offensive. The loud and clear cry that no innocent child should be killed is seldom heard. We have found ourselves treading in the deep end of the pool of depravity.
So how did we get to this point? We aren't immoral because of abortion. Abortion on demand is just evidence of our complete lack of morality. It reveals our lack of compassion for the most innocent and vulnerable among us. We are immoral because we have forsaken truth and embraced a lie. That lie is that we can live as we so desire without any consideration of God's Word and still think that all will be OK.
When one points to the Scriptural standard and guidelines for morality clearly revealed in the Bible, his case is all too often discounted without serious consideration. This reveals the moral vacuum we have created in this nation by framing our values upon a foundation of convenience and immediate gratification rather than eternal truth. Children are to be received as a blessing according to the Scriptures and sexual relations are to be confined to the marriage bed. When God's Truth is heeded, a multitude of our societal problems solve themselves. Contrariwise, when relativistic and immoral guidelines are set by which to govern our behavior, we end up with Plan B.
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