Social Issues - Latest Columns |
 | » Schauungtown Chronicles, Part 4 by Frederick Meekins "I want to thank you all for coming to this special Overseer's Coven. I have some very special news," the speaker smiled at the announcement. "What is it, Cecelia?" one of the overseers gathered asked. "Director Joshua informs me that the Primate wil... read more • May 25, 2010 |
 | » Southern Poverty Law Center Is Officially A Left Wing Hate Group by J. Matt Barber Though always left of center, the Atlanta-based Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) once had a reputation as a fairly objective civil rights group. Founded by direct-marketing millionaire Morris Dees and partner Joseph Levin Jr. in 1971, the SPLC made... read more • March 29, 2010 |
 | » Gold Sarcophagas for Fetus by Rev. Austin Miles A museum visit to view the treasures of a young king who died 3300 years ago gave visitors an unexpected revelation. At this amazing exhibition, thousands of ticket holders in major cities are confronted with a solid verification of the correct actio... read more • March 24, 2010 |
 | » Will Admiral Ackbar Replace School's Confederate Mascot by Frederick Meekins Students at the University of Mississippi are campaigning to make Admiral Ackbar from "Return of the Jedi" the school's new mascot. The school banished its old mascot Old Reb, an elderly Southern gentleman in Confederate garb, because of "negative co... read more • March 24, 2010 |
 | » An American Charity Slump by Nathan Tabor The Obama Administration and both houses of the U.S. Congress are fast-tracking a number of programs designed to increase the size of what's commonly known as the "welfare state". These programs are having a devastating impact on American charitable ... read more • February 17, 2010 |
 | » Welfare Skanks, Obama Effigies & French Thought Police by Frederick Meekins Albert Mohler's sidekick Russel Moore denounced the Obama Effigy as "Satanic". Was this theologian as outspoken in condemning similar outrageous attacks against other political figures such President Bush and Sarah Palin? More importantly, would he n... read more • January 27, 2010 |
 | » Public Schools Embrace Debauchery & Apostasy Over Christmas Music by Frederick Meekins Most Americans would agree that freedom of conscience ranks among our most cherished liberties. As such, the state should protect this particular right by almost any means necessary and reasonable (especially for citizens). In California, an initiati... read more • December 31, 2009 |
 | » English Balls, Eco-Snitches & Filipino Whores by Frederick Meekins British Balls calls for mandatory sex education. The Secretary of Education there has announced that students over the age of 15 can no longer be exempt from compulsory instruction regarding human procreation and physical relationships. The parents o... read more • December 21, 2009 |
 | » Mohler Thinks He Knows What Your Career Should Be More Than You Do by Frederick Meekins On his 10/8/09 broadcast, Albert Mohler was in a tizzy wondering why fewer young men are going into missions work than women. Since we are going to turn this into yet another opportunity to bash men, a pastime increasingly popular in certain Evangeli... read more • November 5, 2009 |
 | » Swine Flu or Time To Get a Clue by Rev. Austin Miles The growing "plague" of 'Swine Flu' is being pushed exactly like Al Gore's "Global Warming" which can be seen as strictly political. Especially as it is noted that the Obama Adminstration seems intent on making the Swine Flu Vaccine shots mandatory f... read more • October 23, 2009 |
 | » Healthcare Trickery & Scottish Wimpery by Frederick Meekins With Obama seeming to withdraw the so-called "public option" from the healthcare reforms being considered by Congress, many will assume that the battle is now over. However, things may be more dangerous than ever before. Up for consideration are so-c... read more • August 26, 2009 |
 | » Headline Potpourri #4: Early Marriage High Horse, Healthcare Informants, & Not About Philosophy by Frederick Meekins The real victim of the run in between Harvard malcontent Henry Louis Gates and officer James Crowley may actually be the poor woman making the call to police. For her efforts at being a good citizen, she has been labeled a racist and received various... read more • August 14, 2009 |