Political - Latest Columns |
 | » Religion Invoked To Coax America's Cultural Surrender by Frederick Meekins The March 2010 issue of Sojourners Magazine pictured on its cover an adorable Hispanic child with a caption next to the photograph reading "Citizen or Criminal". Inside the issue were a number of articles expositing how Christians are obligated to ba... read more • May 27, 2010 |
 | » Obama Sends in the Clowns by J. Matt Barber With a potential political bloodbath looming in November, liberals are understandably desperate. They see it all slipping away and it shows. The grassroots groundswell of opposition to Obama's neo-Marxist, secular-humanist agenda intensifies daily de... read more • May 25, 2010 |
 | » Renaming War On Terror Actually A War On America by Frederick Meekins The Obama White House has more respect for the homicidal enemies of the United States than it does for the average American citizen. For while Obama operatives at one point set up an email account to gather intelligence on those critical of healthcar... read more • May 25, 2010 |
 | » Barack Obama: Enemy Within by J. Matt Barber [W]e will achieve our destiny to be as a shining city on a hill for all mankind to see. – Ronald Wilson Reagan Our nation is chosen by God and commissioned by history to be a model to the world. – George Walker Bush America does not presume to kn... read more • May 25, 2010 |
 | » Barney and Barack's anti-religion agenda by J. Matt Barber Still suffering indigestion from an Obamacare forced feeding, America may yet have to choke down some bitter dessert. Democrats' characteristically mislabeled Employment Non-Discrimination Act or ENDA (S. 1584 in the Senate and H.R. 3017 in the House... read more • May 25, 2010 |
 | » The Face of Hate by J. Matt Barber "Progressives" are like pig farmers. In an effort to bury opposing viewpoints they sling pejorative slop, labeling as "bigot," "hater," "wingnut" or "racist" those with whom they disagree. It's the height of intellectual sloth. The ad hominem approac... read more • May 25, 2010 |
 | » Beware The Ides of March--Of Obama's Healthkill Plan--Stupak Typo and More by Rev. Austin Miles This column is late. Been sidelined for the last 4 days. The ram-rodded paid passage for Obama's healthkill bill destination made me sick. Not to worry though, The One will take care of all my health needs because he said so. Wait! I am a senior citi... read more • March 30, 2010 |
 | » Still Lessons To Be Learned From The Obama School Address Controversy by Frederick Meekins Lincoln is credited with saying that the philosophy of the classroom in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next. Likewise, totalitarian movements such as Nazism and Communism expended considerable resources on efforts designed... read more • March 26, 2010 |
 | » Obama Advocates Domestic Violence by Frederick Meekins Speaking to the perceived inequalities between the sexes in regards to domestic labor, President Obama said in an NBC interview that he thought men "need to be knocked across the head every once in a while." Many would brush the comments aside as the... read more • March 24, 2010 |
 | » Environmentalism Not About the Earth But About Control, Part 2 by Frederick Meekins Those still not convinced should ask themselves before they run off and join such groups how much control they want to cede over their lives to the beneficence of the collective. For once one signs over the very right to ownership to one's dwelling a... read more • February 17, 2010 |
 | » Chump "Change" by J. Matt Barber So much for that whole "hopey-changey" thing; cute while it lasted, but the American people - like Bernie Madoff investors - now realize they've been duped. "Change" for the mere sake of change is simply chump change. The seismic political shift that... read more • January 28, 2010 |
 | » Environmentalism Not About the Earth But About Control, Part 1 by Frederick Meekins For decades, American motorists have been subjected to propaganda insisting that they either need to drive less or give up safe, comfortable automobiles in favor of what amount to motorized coffins in order to preserve natural resources and environme... read more • January 28, 2010 |