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John LeBoutillier
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Pure Evil Is All Around Us
by John LeBoutillier
March 3, 2007
Category: Christian Living
IF YOU EVER doubted that Evil exists, all you have to do is look at the news recently. Two stories have come to the fore that demonstrate the tantalizing and seductive nature of the Devil:

1) Christ was married, had a son and his grave has ben found.

Oh, really? Says who?

Says James Cameron, a Hollywood producer desperate to make an even bigger mark from his latest documentary than he did from TITANIC.

The obsequious news media has fallen all over themselves to broadcast this latest 'revelation.'

Well, the true purpose of this story is to undermine the fundamentals of Christianity itself. If Christ was married and fathered a child - and his body still exists, that means no resurrection thus no truth to the underlying purpose of the New Testament.

Please don't doubt that this story surfacing now is a mere coincidence while we - Christians - are at war with Fundamentalist Islam. Indeed, Evil wants this story out there - and believed by many. Evil wants to undermine the Faith of billions of Christians who marvel at God calling home His Son to set the example of the after life in Heaven - and the power of Forgiveness.

Believe this: we are engaged in an epic struggle of Faith - faith that what we believe in is indeed God's will - and that what these radical murderers believe in is wrong and the work of Evil.

So, just at a time when our Faith is being questioned by this phony archaeological 'find,' the Radical Muslims will try to convert those wavering souls that their way is God's way.

It is decidedly not His way.

2) In Tehran three months ago, the Iranian Government - the most radical Fundamentalist Muslim entity - convened a 'Holocaust Conference' to disprove the Holocaust. Speaker after speaker - including David Duke - rose to challenge the fact that the Nazis killed six million Jews during World War II.

Why - in 2006 - 61 years after the death camps were liberated and emaciated survivors limped back to life to tell their stories - would these crazy Persians want to 'undo' a historical fact?


They want to de-legitimize the founding purpose of Israel in 1948: that the displaced Jews from Europe deserved a land of their own after all of the West allowed Hitler to exterminate millions of Jews.

So, the Iranians figure, if the Holocaust never happened, then Israel's purpose was illegitimate and thus is no longer necessary. And then these nutbags - armed with nukes - can feel good about wiping Israel off the map.

That is exactly what they are up to - and it is Evil, like the 'finding of Christ's body' story is evil.

And both stories come at a particularly dicey time in man's development. Indeed, we are at a crossroads. Either we re-affirm our belief in our values - or we succumb to the heathen's lack-of-values. And then we are no better than they are.

Our Western society has grown weak and flabby and soft while our enemy is growing madder and more demented by the minute. We have yet to grasp the nature of the Radical Muslim: he believes death is a good thing, and it is even better when he takes some Christians and Jews along with him.

Thousands of madrassas teach this idiotic theory to tens of thousands of unsuspecting Muslim children every day. The 'best and brightest' of these students become the suicide bombers 'privileged' to take Christians and Jews to Islamic Heaven with them.

Since 9/11 - a wake-up call if there ever was one - the U.S. Government has not even begun to fight this Evil. We have squandered the unity that 9/11 gave us - a unity among Americans and a unity world-wide against this type of Evil.

The 2008 election is our next best chance to restore a sense of Americanism - focused on what we share together rather than on what divides us.

So far, no leader has yet stepped forward who understands any of this and who is willing to say and do what must be done to win this epic battle against Evil - an Evil that is all around us - as evidenced by these two news stories.

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