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Pastor Phil Magnan
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If Churches Cannot Preach Against Abortion, They Should Just Close Their Doors
by Pastor Phil Magnan
January 28, 2008
Category: Social Issues
OVER THE PAST 18 years of my life, I have worked to save the unborn by appealing to the churches. I have believed the notion that it takes time to win churches and pastors to our pro life stance. You know ...over time we'll convince the Christians to not kill their own children. But the lives of so many children have been lost in that noble effort and you might ask why? Even though there are some churches that have been actively pro life, that has not been the norm; it has been the exception. So we should rightly weep over the thousands of unborn children who are killed each day in America; either surgically or by abortifacient drugs, such as the 'Pill' and RU486. The killing of unborn children has continued in the churches and our communities, in the name of weak Biblical teaching, moral cowardice; even upholding the apostate teaching of "reproductive choice."

So sadly, in most churches, it's too late. I really mean it, it's too late. It is time for mourning the loss of truth, justice and righteousness in the churches. At this point you may be saying that I'm playing the blame're right! It is time that we the church take the blame for being weak in our condemnation of the horrific promotion of child killing in the church. It is time for pastors to weep because they must now take responsibility for the deaths of so many unborn children in their flocks and communities. It seems apparent that most pastors love peace more than truth and fear their flocks more than God.

It makes me wonder what Jesus would say to the churches today, if He rebuked us, just as He passionately rebuked the Pharisees. But why would Jesus rebuke us? We are a lot better than those Pharisees? Right? I don't think so. To whom much is given, much is required. I believe that Jesus would have to say these passionate words to us.

"Woe to you pastor's, hypocrites! Because you preach the love of your fellow man, but you have turned your backs on the most helpless members of your church, the unborn child!

Woe to you churches, for you have said we have built wonderful churches for ourselves. So you admit that you have created monuments to your indifference to the unborn child and pregnant woman in crisis! You have tithed for your own ease and status, but your use of tithes will witness against you as the neglecting of the weightier provisions of the Law, justice, mercy and faithfulness.

Woe to you body members, who sit idly by as the children in the womb are torn apart and you say I see nothing! (Proverbs 24:11-12) Woe to you Christians; for you expect the Christ to be your advocate at the moment of your death and have neglected to advocate for the least of these at the moment of their death. (Matthew 25:45)

Woe to you pastors and church members, who honor the government with your lips, but will not be part of it, saying it is too political, and did not understand that it is a ministry of God. (Romans 13:1-4) It was I who gave you the authority to vote and run for office so that righteousness and justice would prevail, even for the unborn, but you have given the government to those who blaspheme my name and love the shedding of innocent blood. You will passionately demand justice for yourselves, but will not lift a finger for the unborn.

Woe to you pastor's, preachers of the Word! Hypocrites! You say that you rightly divide the word, but are afraid that you might lose your building, livelihood and church members, if you offend church members with the words "thou shalt not kill the unborn!" You have shut out those who have needed repentance and forgiveness for abortion by your silence and cowardice from your very pulpits! Thus your flocks have added sin unto sin, in their continued child slaying and gross immorality.

Woe to you board members, committees! Blind guides! You will fund a missionary to travel land and sea to make one convert, but it is in your own churches that the pagan teaching of 'choice' and child killing prevail! Judgment must first start with the household of God!

Behold I am sending to you prophets and wise men and gentle warriors. Some of them you will ostracize in your churches and others you will forbid to speak out in defense of the "least of these", that upon you may fall the guilt of the pre born child's blood!"

Beloved believers, I implore you. If a church or pastor cannot feel the gravity of murder by abortion, then how can we say that the church is the pillar of truth? How can we open the doors of our church saying that we love one another and do not speak clearly that abortion is murder, even in cases of rape, incest, or deformity? We have no right to call ourselves Christians if we embrace murder. For we know that no murderer has eternal life. (1 John 3:15) How can we say that we hate the violence of the world while affirming a woman's right to kill her unborn child by our silence? The unborn child's blood has cried out to God each day. May that witness not be against us!

It is time for the whole church to mourn the loss of truth, righteousness and justice concerning the unborn. I am pleading for all Christians to weep and repent over the sickening condition of the church. It must not be business as usual in which we pat each other on the back about our so called God blessed ministries. It is a time for mourning the fact that so many are willing to defend and make excuses for their pastor's lack of spiritual backbone to preach the truth about abortion. Any pastor who cannot openly and passionately condemn abortion has no right to be in the pulpit. This is not just another issue, its murder. There are thousands of unborn children dying by the hand of church members each day! We can make all of the excuses in the world, but our actions speak louder than words.

If it is not natural for a church to tell the truth and defend the unborn, stop calling yourself a Christian church, you have no right or authority to do so, just close the church doors...Please!

Pastor Phil Magnan
Biblical Family Advocates

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