Taking Christianity Into the World by Boldly Speaking God's Word by John Dillard February 16, 2009 Category: Christian Living |  AKING CHRISTIANITY Into the World by Boldly Speaking God's Word
The Apostle Paul tells us we are to be bold in our faith and Jesus calls us to fulfill the Great Commission. Those these words are simple often as Believers we are frozen in our faith unable or unwilling to speak God's word in circumstances where His word could be a divine inspiration to others. Breaking down our insecurities is the best first step in believing in yourself and knowing when God calls you to speech and action.
Acts 14:3 "So Paul and Barnabas spent considerable time there, speaking boldly for the Lord, who confirmed the message of his grace by enabling them to do miraculous signs and wonders."
Be Aware
Knowing God's word and his precepts are your first best offense in taking the opportunities that are divine given appointments to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. It is impossible to speak God's word when you are not aware of what it says. Just as we spend time with those we love and things we enjoy doing so should we want to pursue a relationship with Christ by spending personal time in his word learning of his teachings and ways.
1 Peter 5:8 "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."
Be More than a Pew Sitter
Being involved in your local church and regular attendance at church is more than a suggestion, in fact, honoring the Sabbath is one of the Ten Commandments. God has great things in store for each one of our lives and we have to get into the game in order to play. Though you may chose and be best suited to volunteering and serving at your local church, there are many of us who are called to serve God in our community in a wide host and varied set of ways. Jesus argued greatly with the religious leaders of the times who became caught up more with the process that the goal. Have an heart that is open to the prodding of the Holy Spirit and follow his prompts when so directed. Many of us are called to be a Light of the Gospel where we work or go to school, so be sure not to let the love of Christ shine.
Matthew 9:37 "Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few."
Know Your Spiritual Gifts
An athlete will work at a specific skill working and honing his/her talents to perfection. Knowing your part of a team allows you to work on the skill set that not only are you the best at, but it also allows you to focus your efforts and energies to honing a specific skill set. There are many of us can best fulfill our destiny by exhortation and others by serving. Maybe you are not a great speaker, perhaps not seeing yourself as out in front of a crowd and would be most inclined instead to take care of others needs choosing rather to stay in the shadows letting others be "out in front." There are spiritual gifts test you can utilize and by working with local church leaders or mentors to help you determine what you are best suited for. However, always be open to those opportunities to "step out of the box" when God leads and God ordained moments arrive.
Romans 12:6 "We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man's gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith."
Building Disciples
All of our churches, missions and programs should be centrally focused on building disciples. Absent this goal our efforts will do much to thwart the Great Commission, rather than its furtherance. By building others up and equipping them for the path ahead, we do much to further and advance Christianity. If our programs fail to build disciples we run the risk of having the love of Christ snuffed out in as little as a generation. Just as those who were once led, now lead, so are we to train others to succeed not only ourselves but on their own mission field.
Acts 14:22 "[Jesus]...strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain true to the faith."
Working together by focusing on what unites us rather than what separates us will enable us to fulfill our God given path for our lives. By living in God's love, truth and grace we are best ready to serve the Kingdom and our fellow man. Look to God's word, the support of others and by train both your mind and body for the race that lies ahead and great miracles that you alone are poised to do in God's name.
John Dillard is an author and Certified Public Accountant (All Rights Reserved). To See how he takes Christ along with him to work visit http://www.hiscpa.com/(a Christian CPA firm) and for his latest book Overcoming Life's 9/11's: Job's Journey visit www.John-Dillard.com "Dare to Attempt Something so Great for the Kingdom of God that it is doomed to failure, lest Christ be in it!"More columns by John Dillard