HE FUNK & Wagnalls Dictionary defines a Czar as: "1.) An emperor or king; one of the former emperors of Russia; 2.) An absolute ruler; despot." This has never been a term used in The United States of America, a free country and democracy. It has, up until now, been a title of an official within the Communist-rulers of Russia. So why has there not been questions over the use of that Marxist term in America? Why has no one challenged this? Not one media outlet has spoken out about this added socialistic term and the citizens themselves are sitting back and letting it happen, seemingly not wanting to be awakened from their dogmatic slumber. I have not heard one citizen even mention this in private conversations. This transformation and takeover of our country is incredible to watch unfold. That term itself (czar) must be rejected NOW and never used again. By citizens and media using this term matter-of-fact signifies acceptance of this part of the 'change' promised us by Barack Hussein Obama, and helps it all to happen. America must put its foot down once and for all...unless being enslaved is desirable. Let's look closer at the Czars of Comrade Obama who appointed Kevin Jennings as his Safe Schools Czar. Jennings is an open homosexual who consents to underage boys having sex with older men...as long as they use a condom. This past week, he sponsored a homosexual pornographic event disguised as "an AIDS exhibit at Harvard University. Jennings is deeply involved in the homosexual organization, 'Act Up!,' an organization that has interrupted religious services in a San Francisco Catholic Church, St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City, and sponsors other events like the one that just took place at Harvard University, which included such vile pictures of perverted sexual activities there that none of them can be shown on any websites. Jennings is listed as "A Proud Patron" of this event. And this is the man to make sure our schools are safe? Then there is Obama's "Regulatory Czar, Cass Sunstein, who just stated yesterday (10/23) that he is urging the U.S. Government to abolish marriage. He wants all couplings to be called, 'civil unions," where any two people can be recognized as a "domestic partnership." Sunstein also defended the possibility of removing organs from terminally ill patients without their permission, according to worldnetdaily.com, as well as taking any organs they like from dead people without asking anyone's permission. He also supports the possibility of taking organs from people who will not live long and removing their organs while they are still alive! Sunstein also believes that the Constitution forbids government from refusing to pay the expenses of abortion, which is logical (in the minds of the czar) since the government pays the expenses for childbirth. Sunstein wrote that he has no problem with forcing taxpayers to fund abortions even if they morally object to their money being used for such a purpose. There is widespread suspician that Obama intends to eventually implement forced abortion, which is frequently done in communist countries such as China. And Obama, who pushes to abort (brutally murder) babies, encourages child sex by homosexuals, wants to destroy the family, take organs from people without consent from anyone, and possibly took over the Office as President by deceit, is the man, who was given a Nobel Peace Prize? Actually, The One is in good company. A Nobel Prize winner for Literature (1998), Jose Saramago, a Portuguese atheist and communist said this when he received his prize: "The Bible is a manual of bad morals which has a powerful influence on our culture. Without the Bible, we would be different and probably better people." The clock is ticking. Citizens of America, stand up for our country and our families. Check out this website Monday, www.revaustinmiles.com for a solution. In the meantime, let's not even recognize the word, Czar, and let that be known whenever the communistic word is used. This is America.
Rev. Austin Miles, a working pastor-chaplain, is a freelance journalist and commentator whose stories are published world wide.More columns by Rev. Austin Miles