Who Are The Vigilantes? Sides Mischaracterized By Elites In Immigration Debate by Frederick Meekins June 16, 2006 Category: Political |  IBERAL PROPAGANDISTS have conditioned the American people to believe that the Minutemen Project consists of vigilantes out to undermine the law, compromise good social order, and the sense of fairness essential to the character of the United States. Even President George W. Bush, who usually makes a big hoopla how Americans should contribute to the war on terror by participating in efforts such as neighborhood watch programs, flip flops from the administration's philosophy of near-total surveillance and insists average, patriotic Americans such as Veterans and other dedicated retirees are not good enough to do for the benefit of the United States as a neighborhood as a whole what the Communitarians claim these seniors ought to be doing in our own hometowns.
However, those so worried about the taking of law into private hands ought to be more concerned about the so-called progressive interests claiming to stand for the rule of law and the dignity of all people. For the observant will discover which side of this debate actually honors these principles basic to what makes Western civilization the pinnacle of human social development.
To deter the hiring of illegals, the Minutemen Project of Maryland has set up video surveillance operations of various day-laborer sites throughout the state. In retaliation, Casa De Maryland --- a activist group dedicated to Hispanic supremacism --- has launched its own counterintel program targeting selected Minutemen in a high stakes game of looking back to see if you were looking back at me.
But whereas the Minutemen of Maryland are careful to only observe illegal activities in public places, Casa plans to follow individual Minutemen away from these specific public places and into their respective private lives. One might suggest that Casa operatives are coming dangerously close to stalking as these activists intend to picket Minutemen outside their homes, places of employment, and --- like sex-crazed pedophiles --- lurk outside the schools of Minutemen offspring.
Another distinction Casaistas fail to recognize is that, unlike the illegal aliens and the businesses that come to paw over the human capital like Johns in whorehouses, the Minutemen have committed no crimes and broken no laws. Rather, what those with Casa's perspective seek to punish, which in their eyes is an even greater threat than the swarms of foreigners pouring over the border, is thought failing to conform to the norms of the group as directed by elites.
The executive director of Casa De Maryland is quoted by WorldNetDaily as saying, „...we are going...to let people know their neighbors are extremeists, that they are anti-immigrant.‰ It may come as a surprise to the racial enforcement bureau of the thought police, but it's not quite yet against the law to ascribe to the opinions of which the Minutemen stand accused. It is still, at this time at least, against the law to enter the United States without adherence to proper procedure and to hire those doing so.
The Minutemen are actually stepping up to either assist law enforcement in a task traditional constabularies are unable to perform or even being prevented from fulfilling by their globalist overseers. Their approach to this challenge might seem unorthodox in this era where we have been conditioned to defer to positioned and credentialed experts in reference to lofty public concerns, but the Minutemen have done nothing wrong and have a scrupulous reputation of respecting and upholding the innate human dignity of those with whom they disagree, something progressive protest movements from leftist anti-WTO marchers to anti-Klan demonstrators aren't exactly known for as of late as epitomized by the tolerance marauders that pillaged and burned a Toledo neighborhood in the name of acceptance and inclusion in response to a smattering of buffoonish Nazis.
The Minutemen exhibit the utmost respect for the law by standing for the principle that the law should be applied consistently to all without reference to status or background. However, Casa and other related interests turning a blind eye actually undermine the impartiality of the law upon which a healthy republic rests.
The executive director of the Takoma/Langley Crossroads Development Authority is quoted by WorldNetDaily as saying, „In this area, the commercial sector hasn't been harmed in the sense of people being deprived because of the day laborers being here. Consequently, while there are issues with their right to be in the United States, that's not what we're concerned about. We're concerned that they wait in an area that doesn't hurt our commercial properties.‰ Well that settles it then; so long as the rich keep getting richer even at the expense of the good of the country, so be it then.
Lenin observed that the capitalist would sell the rope with which the capitalist would himself be hung. The article notes Casa has the support of both government and the business community.
Subversion and undermining the United States can apparently be a profitable enterprise. According to WorldNetDaily, of an income of $2,771,615, fifty-one percent of Casa's came from government handouts. However, this extortion transcends the role of a bribe to dissuade minority agitators from rampaging.
Rather it is a down payment to assist the monstrosity of public/private partnerships in subjugating the American people through a campaign of systematic impoverishment and the sublimation of this people into a homogenized global regime. For Casa receives its beneficences from the elites for the purposes of recruiting laborers „as employers seek to replace permanent workers‰.
Somehow I don't imagine naive liberals prone to believe all the bleeding heart gobbledygook they hear will feel all warm and fuzzy about unbridled immigration when their own upper-mid level jobs are farmed out to a new wave of Chinaman or Asian Indians. After all, if we really are one big global family and one of the few remaining sins in this radically liberated world is to admit that one cannot toss all of the peoples of the earth into one big bowl irrespective of the recipes original ethnic ingredients without changing the nature of the nation itself, why shouldn't other groups be allowed to replace those higher up the socioeconomic ladder when Hispanics are being used to displace the American laborer and semi-skilled worker? Those that as good liberals embrace all of the attitudes they are told to by the social engineers should be reminded that almost without exception that the revolutions that unhinge themselves from traditional values have a way of consuming their own.
Whether one wants to admit it or not, the world is rushing ever faster towards its ultimate conclusion. Americans are now at a pivotal fork in the road. We can either enter this turning point with the dignity and values that have made the United States the foremost nation around the globe or we can enter this epoch as a people of diluted identity unable to put up much resistance as we are increasingly merged into the prophesied planetary tyranny.
Frederick Meekins is an Internet columnist. He holds a BS from the University of Maryland in Political Science/History and a MA in Apologetics & Christian Philosophy from Trinity Theological Seminary. He is currently pursuing a Doctor of Practical Theology through the Master's Graduate School Of Divinity in Evansville, Indiana. Frederick's research interests include Worldview Application, Christian Apologetics, The Implications of Aberrant Theologies & Ideologies, Futurology, Eschatology, Science Fiction, Terrorism Studies, Environmentalism, Education Policy and America's Judeo-Christian Foundations. Frederick is also an ordained Non-Denominational Minister and listed in "Who's Who In America" and in "Who's Who Of Emerging Leaders". Media inquiries can be directed to: americanworldview@hotmail.com. His books "Yuletide Terror & Other Holiday Horrors" and "Provide For The Common Defense: Thoughts Concerning The Nation's Enemies" are available at http://stores.lulu.com/fmeekins. His blog, The Epistolizer, can be found at http://epistolizer.blogspot.comMore columns by Frederick Meekins