Social Issues - Latest Columns, Page 5 |
 | » Call a Spade a Spade by Nathan Tabor By now, most of you have probably heard about the "crazy" in San Francisco who drove his black Honda SUV into 14 people, killing one. This wasn't an isolated incident last Tuesday, the unfortunates crossing at a single intersection, for ins... read more • September 6, 2006 |
 | » Plan B and American Moral Indifference by Dennis E. Green There has been talk for years about the "morning after pill" or the "abortion pill". Those who have been following the promotion of Levonorgestrel, or "Plan B", as it is called, aren't very surprised that it has been app... read more • August 27, 2006 |
 | » Elites Endanger Humanities Position Atop The Food Chain by Frederick Meekins For years, enemies of mankind such as Steve Irwin and Jeff Corwin have duped the American people into believing we have nothing to fear from allowing megafauna to trundle unimpeded across the face of the continent. On these propaganda pieces disguise... read more • August 25, 2006 |
 | » Alcohol and the Mel Gibson Saga by Rev. Mark Creech Much has been said of late about the Mel Gibson saga, but little has been mentioned about the way the event pertained to beverage alcohol. James B. Butler, executive director for the California Council on Alcohol Problems, has said: "Mel Gibson ... read more • August 23, 2006 |
 | » Sin Management Is Big Business by Paul Proctor I caught an interesting article last week from that highlighted the frustrations of a disgruntled AIDS activist by the name of Martin Sempa, who was commenting on the absurdity of a recent international AIDS conference held in Toront... read more • August 23, 2006 |
 | » Trendy Village Seeks To Banish The Pleasingly Plump by Frederick Meekins According to reports, a trendy Chicago suburb voted "the sexiest suburb in America" may be on the verge of banishing from its venues of commerce those not conforming to arbitrarily contrived body aesthetics. Lane Bryant, a retailer known fo... read more • August 18, 2006 |
 | » Morning After Mania by Nathan Tabor Forget the threat of terrorism...the price of gas...or the struggle for families to make the monthly mortgage payments. No, the issue on the minds of many newspaper editorial writers is whether women can get pills. At a time when some medical experts... read more • August 14, 2006 |
 | » Hey, Everybody, Let's Give Up! by Jane Jimenez Fifteen people sat around the conference table. Fourteen were educators teaching junior and senior high students about sexual abstinence until marriage. One person, Mr. Boss Man, at the head of the table, was a state leader in charge of setting the e... read more • August 9, 2006 |
 | » Santorum's Surrender? by Joe Murray The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy," wrote Sun Tzu, "but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him." As the dust begins to settle on the battlefields that were home to a number of cultural skirmishes concerni... read more • August 8, 2006 |
 | » The Stem Cell Sidestep by Joe Murray This bill," bellowed President Bush, "would support the taking of innocent human life in the hope of finding medical benefits for others ... [i]t crosses a moral boundary that our decent society needs to respect." And with a sense of m... read more • August 1, 2006 |
 | » North Carolina Judge Lowers Great Moral Standard by Rev. Mark Creech A sheriff's dispatcher in Pender County, North Carolina, Deborah Hobbs was living with her boyfriend when Sheriff Carson Smith ordered her to marry, move out, or give up her employment. Hobbs decided to quit. Incensed, she said in a statement: "... read more • July 26, 2006 |
 | » Curing a Disease That 'Wasn't' by Jane Jimenez A bright, bold sweater hangs from the thrift store rack. Beautiful on the hanger, a telltale loose strand of yarn hangs from the hem just under the last bottom bright gold button. At $5.00, the bargain tempts the unwary. But for those who take time t... read more • July 20, 2006 |