Latest Columns, Page 6 |
 | » Healthcare Trickery & Scottish Wimpery by Frederick Meekins With Obama seeming to withdraw the so-called "public option" from the healthcare reforms being considered by Congress, many will assume that the battle is now over. However, things may be more dangerous than ever before. Up for consideration are so-c... read more • August 26, 2009
• Social Issues |
 | » A Christian Analysis Of Atheism, Part 2 by Frederick Meekins Try as the atheist might to manipulate objective data to fit their hypothesis with some evolutionists going so far as to invoke the law in order to suppress perspectives conflicting with their origins account, the assumptions of atheism fail to squar... read more • August 20, 2009
• Christian Living |
 | » Big Brother-Care Looms Large by J. Matt Barber It's socialized medicine vs. the private sector. How does the former match-up to the latter? Well, by way of an ill-advised postal services analogy, our inspired physician-in-chief has gaffed upon the answer: "UPS and FedEx are doing just fine," he o... read more • August 14, 2009
• Political |
 | » Headline Potpourri #4: Early Marriage High Horse, Healthcare Informants, & Not About Philosophy by Frederick Meekins The real victim of the run in between Harvard malcontent Henry Louis Gates and officer James Crowley may actually be the poor woman making the call to police. For her efforts at being a good citizen, she has been labeled a racist and received various... read more • August 14, 2009
• Social Issues |
 | » The Silence of The Lame--AARP by Rev. Austin Miles The powerful AARP purports to be an organization that assists senior citizens and represents their interests in Washington, D.C. when bills are proposed that affect them. However, this premise is built on sand shifting in the liberal tides. In realit... read more • August 14, 2009
• Political |
 | » Christian Friendship... Taking Christianity Into the World by John Dillard Christian Friendship was modeled by Jesus Christ himself when he walked the world. He illustrated by his example of what true friendship is all about. As Believers we are not be led astray to see friendship as the world does but as presented in the B... read more • August 13, 2009
• Christian Living |
 | » A Christian Analysis Of Atheism, Part 1 by Frederick Meekins If the Middle Ages are to stand in history books as the Age of Faith, it could be equally asserted that the nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first centuries will no doubt be remembered as the Era of Unbelief. Whereas unbelievers in the Middle Ages w... read more • August 12, 2009
• Christian Living |
 | » Is There A Co-Pay With Forced Abortion? by J. Matt Barber The president has more "czars" running around than Mother Russia. It's mondo bizarro. Kind of fitting, though; must be a communist thing. Still, as the debate over Obama's multi-trillion dollar pet experiment in socialized healthcare reaches terminal... read more • August 12, 2009
• Social Issues |
 | » Is There a Co-Pay with Forced Abortion? by J. Matt Barber The president has more "czars" running around than Mother Russia. It's mondo bizarro. Kind of fitting, though; must be a communist thing. Still, as the debate over Obama's multi-trillion dollar pet experiment in socialized health care reaches termina... read more • August 3, 2009
• Social Issues |
 | » Headline Potpourri #3: Jackson Clones, Radical Profs, & Eldercide by Frederick Meekins Barack Obama has taken on the role of chief booze peddler. Hoping to smooth over the controversy that has erupted over the arrest of Henry Louis Gates, the President has invited the professor and the arresting office to the White House for a beer. Gi... read more • August 3, 2009
• Social Issues |
 | » Galactica Conclusio Philosophicus by Frederick Meekins In one of the climactic scenes of the conclusion of "Battlestar Galactica", Gaius Baltar remarks that an unseen hand had been guiding events all along up until that point. Just as the characters were propelled by something from beyond themselves, the... read more • July 21, 2009
• Entertainment |
 | » Obama's Moral Clarity Deficit by J. Matt Barber Relativism is as relativism does and Barack Obama does it well. His less than tepid response to evidence of a rigged election in Iran a few weeks ago and the subsequent brutalization of the Iranian people by an Islamofascist regime says more about ou... read more • July 14, 2009
• Political |