Political - Latest Columns, Page 2 |
 | » GOP: It's Sink or Swim in 2010 by J. Matt Barber Pop quiz: Kyle and Christina - casual acquaintances fresh out of college - are interviewing for the same job. It's a position each desperately wants and needs, so competition is intense. While waiting in the lobby, Christina offers Kyle a bit of advi... read more • January 27, 2010 |
 | » Obama Nazifies Christmas by Frederick Meekins Some may claim that this headline is a little strong. But if one goes back and studies history, one finds that Hitler also deemphasized the religious aspects of Christmas in deference to a generalized "winter holiday". This was only Obama's first Chr... read more • January 8, 2010 |
 | » Deer Issue Catches Liberalism In Headlights by Frederick Meekins Early in American history, one was pretty much free to do as one saw fit on one's property so long as it was moral especially if one lived in a rural area where one's actions were not likely to encroach upon the sensibilities of one's neighbors. Howe... read more • December 7, 2009 |
 | » Will Religion Be Forced To Bow At Obama's Feet? by Frederick Meekins The White House has announced plans to expand its Office of Faith-Based Initiatives. In an address to the National Prayer Breakfast, President Barack Obama said the office would reach out to nonprofit organizations and "help them determine how to mak... read more • December 6, 2009 |
 | » It’s Begun: Liberals Invoke Specter of Hate Crimes to Eradicate Hate Speech by J. Matt Barber Matt Barber, Director of Cultural Affairs with both Liberty Counsel and Liberty Alliance Action issued the following statement on News that the left-wing United Church of Christ (UCC) and other quasi-Christian liberal groups are calling for the Feder... read more • November 5, 2009 |
 | » Shut Down Government BEFORE Constitutional Crisis! by Rev. Austin Miles It is on its way whether we like it or not. America is facing a Constitutional Crisis that has already begun. Voices are becoming more insistent that Obama prove that he was born in The United States of America. There are also talks of treason and im... read more • November 5, 2009 |
 | » Organ Thieves, Hyperfeminized Football & White House Maoists: Headline Potpourri #10 by Frederick Meekins Congress is considering authorization of a tax deduction for pet expenses of up to $3500. Frankly, if you can't afford to pay for your pet, you have no business owning a pet. Why should the rest of us have to pick up the tab for this? And unlike chil... read more • November 5, 2009 |
 | » Comrade Obama and His Czars by Rev. Austin Miles The Funk & Wagnalls Dictionary defines a Czar as: "1.) An emperor or king; one of the former emperors of Russia; 2.) An absolute ruler; despot." This has never been a term used in The United States of America, a free country and democracy. It has, up... read more • October 26, 2009 |
 | » Here He Comes: Mr. Universe by J. Matt Barber OK, this is just too easy. You have to ask: Did the Norwegian Nobel Committee devise a secret plot to completely marginalize President Obama in the international community (I mean, beyond that which he's already managed on his own)? Seriously, by awa... read more • October 16, 2009 |
 | » BREAKING! Missing Link of Obama Nativity Found! by Rev. Austin Miles A newspaper in Kenya has verified that Obama was born there. There was absolutely no question that Kenya was the place of his birth. Since the controversy of Obama's eligibility by birth threatens his presidency, Kenya newspapers have scrubbed (censo... read more • October 16, 2009 |
 | » Liberal Newspaper Deliberately Axes Important Part of Law They Quoted by Rev. Austin Miles The democrat-socialist-backed Washington Post has entered the fray of a First Amendment battle to remove all symbols of the Christian Faith from public view, based on 'an offensive' cross placed on a rock in a remote area of the Mojave Desert, This f... read more • October 16, 2009 |
 | » Rectal Bombs, Bono Dreck & Obama Full Of It by Frederick Meekins Travelers often grumble about security measures at airports requiring them to remove belts and shoes as precautions to detect explosives. Such inconveniences may seem like something from the quaint past in light of a new strategy developed by Al Qaed... read more • October 16, 2009 |