Political - Latest Columns, Page 9 |
 | » Al Gore - Eco-Expert by Nathan Tabor With the President's poll numbers stagnating in the low thirties, the Republican-controlled House poised to stop any Bush-backed illegal immigration amnesty program, and House Speaker Hastert (R-IL) declaring the invincibility of the legislative bran... read more • May 31, 2006 |
 | » Dean Smith: Politics is Just Not His Game by Nathan Tabor To call Dean Smith a legend would be an understatement. For many of us who spent our formative years in North Carolina, he was the epitome of a coaching great. I came to North Carolina when I was 13, and I can tell you, to live in Dean Smith territor... read more • May 30, 2006 |
 | » Perhaps a Better Prayer by Rev. Mark Creech Thursday, May 11, Senate Chaplain Mike Morris delivered the following prayer before the guests and members of the North Carolina Senate: "This morning we offer thanks, O God, for the unexpected blessing of a $2 billion surplus in the State Treas... read more • May 24, 2006 |
 | » Bully for Teddy by Nathan Tabor The U.S. House of Representatives seems to get it, but the Senate doesn’t have a clue. Since President Bush’s Monday night speech on immigration, which sets forth a plan to create a temporary guest-worker program and offers a limited path to citi... read more • May 15, 2006 |
 | » National ID Act Threatens Liberty by Frederick Meekins On the April 26, 2006 edition of Politics & Religion, prophecy scholar Irving Baxter Religion" and Joseph Farah of WorldNetDaily.com discussed the implications of the National ID Act. Interesting how, as barriers are being taken down to normalize ill... read more • May 3, 2006 |
 | » Teacher Of The Year Selected For Pandering To Immigrants by Frederick Meekins If immigrants are no different than the rest of us, then why should this prestigious award go to a teacher noted for teaching students from immigrant backgrounds, 90% of whom are on public assistance? Apparently the parents are not so ignorant of Ame... read more • April 30, 2006 |
 | » Democrats -- The GOP's Best Friends? by Matt Friedeman The Democrats, in many cases otherwise known as the Angry Left, desperately want one of their own to be Speaker of the House and another to be Majority Leader of the Senate. Not likely -- at least not early in 2007 when those oaths of office will be ... read more • April 17, 2006 |
 | » Fighting Off Political Cynicism and Arrogance -- a Plan by Matt Friedeman Just talked with a editor of a local newspaper. We like each other but have precious little in common as far as political ideology is concerned. He is liberal; I am conservative. He is pro-abortion; I am pro-life. He voted for Mondale, Dukakis, Clint... read more • April 6, 2006 |