Political - Latest Columns, Page 8 |
| » Should the Church Steer Clear of Politics? by Matt Friedeman There has been quite a bit of conversation recently about a New York Times article concerning the Rev. Gregory Boyd who, in a series of sermons titled "The Cross and the Sword," advised his mega-church congregation to "steer clear of p... read more • August 5, 2006 |
| » Hints Revealed Why Border Left Wide Open by Frederick Meekins Ben Franklin is attributed with saying that those desiring safety above liberty deserve neither safety nor liberty. If one particular proposal being suggested as a potential solution to the seemingly insurmountable immigration problem is implemented,... read more • August 5, 2006 |
| » Giving Parents a Break by Nathan Tabor We live in a schizophrenic society. On one hand, our government, through the supposedly learned men and women of the U.S. Supreme Court, sanctions the killing of innocent children in the name of "choice." On the other hand, state and federa... read more • July 26, 2006 |
| » Don't Do As I Do by Frederick Meekins As many age and grow saddened that the pleasures of this life diminish and are to soon come to an end, they often cope with this existential crisis by criticizing the young for behaviors they themselves use to participate in and wish for future gener... read more • July 25, 2006 |
| » The Party of Death's Ploy by Nathan Tabor The national Democratic Party, which author Ramesh Ponnuru calls the Party of Death, has set its sights on African-Americans during this critical election year. Well-known black leaders such as the Reverends Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are encourag... read more • July 19, 2006 |
| » Using Pentecost Politically by Matt Friedeman A speaker once told those gathered at an academic meeting that everyone -- particularly those who have read their Bible carefully -- says they love the poor. Even so, said the presenter, what we need to start doing is asking each other the more point... read more • July 15, 2006 |
| » Muslim or Mormon for President? by Matt Friedeman Better to be Jewish or Catholic rather than evangelical if running for president anytime soon. At least that seems to be one inference of a Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll of 1,321 adults conducted in late June. And, for whatever it's worth, the Ova... read more • July 8, 2006 |
| » Just Say "No!" When Jesse Jackson Comes Calling by Nathan Tabor Judicial Watch has released a report that details the shakedown tactics that have been used by Jesse Jackson and his Chicago-based Rainbow PUSH Coalition against some of the biggest companies in the world. Jackson's current target is oil giant Britis... read more • June 30, 2006 |
| » Capitol Criminals by Nathan Tabor Since the Clintons left office, Democrats have been a little dull, resisting the urge to engage in high crimes and misdemeanors. But, lo and behold, now we're recovering from a Democratic crime wave in Washington. And, what's so fascinating about the... read more • June 29, 2006 |
| » Take a Ride on the John Kerry WayBack Machine by Nathan Tabor After making a wrong turn in the lobby of a Washington hotel a few weeks ago, I found myself having to edge my way out of a conference room filled with glassy-eyed liberals, standing in rapt adulation while Senator John Kerry (D-MA) stood on stage, p... read more • June 23, 2006 |
| » Attack of the Bloggers by Nathan Tabor There was a time in America when the most effective way for the average Joe to make his voice heard in the political process was in the confines of the voting booth. Once in a while-if he were lucky-he might even get a letter to the editor published ... read more • June 20, 2006 |
| » Who Are The Vigilantes? by Frederick Meekins Liberal propagandists have conditioned the American people to believe that the Minutemen Project consists of vigilantes out to undermine the law, compromise good social order, and the sense of fairness essential to the character of the United States.... read more • June 16, 2006 |