Political - Latest Columns, Page 7 |
 | » The Role of Faith in Conservative American Politics by Rev. Mark Creech Churches of the late Middle Ages are well known for embodying a Christian worldview in their architecture. No where is this better demonstrated than in the Gothic Cathedral at Chartes, France. This cathedral, which was built during the 12th century, ... read more • October 5, 2006 |
 | » Torturing The Truth by Nathan Tabor Winston Churchill once observed that "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on." As part of the left-wing arsenal of distorted arguments as to why Bush is so wrong in his proclaimed "War on ... read more • September 27, 2006 |
 | » Political Cures by Jane Jimenez There's nothing like a political year to bring every possible cure out of the woodwork for every social and economic ill that befalls American society. If America has a problem, there is a politician promising us a political cure to fix it. Children ... read more • September 21, 2006 |
 | » Reasons You Shouldn't Vote by Matt Friedeman There are some really good reasons not to vote this year. First, if you don't know what is at stake, don't know the issues, the candidates, the framework of the local, state and national debate and ... don't want to know -- please, don't vote. Second... read more • September 19, 2006 |
 | » NYT Gives Advice On How To Reveal State Secrets and Thwart the Federal Government by Nathan Tabor In the last few years, we've witnessed the ongoing battle between newspapers like the New York Times and the federal government and the "right" of newspapers to hold their sources confidential. The audacity of the Times to release classifie... read more • September 15, 2006 |
 | » The Politics of Energy by James L. Lambert Many of our political leaders in Washington, DC, fail to see the big picture when it comes to sources of energy, energy exploration, and energy conservation in America. Every American needs to come to the awareness that we can no longer continue to d... read more • September 2, 2006 |
 | » Sweet Home Alabama by Joe Murray There is an old Aesop's Fable that describes the tale of three tradesmen -- a brick layer, a carpenter, and a currier. These three workers lived together in a great city that bestowed to them a number of benefits. As fate would have it, the great cit... read more • August 29, 2006 |
 | » Signing of Legislation to Federalize Cross Angers Left by James L. Lambert Stop me if this theme sounds familiar: a liberal journalist in Southern California is ignoring history and the original intent of America's Founding Fathers by asserting that keeping the cross atop La Jolla's Mt. Soledad will somehow violate the Cons... read more • August 26, 2006 |
 | » A Tale of Two Presidents by Joe Murray Sadly, sadly, the sun rose," wrote Charles Dickens in A Tale of Two Cities. Dickens continued -- "[i]t rose upon no sadder sight than the man of good abilities and good emotions, incapable of their directed exercise, incapable of his own he... read more • August 25, 2006 |
 | » A Political Problem in Aisle 5 by Nathan Tabor As anyone who lives in the 'burbs knows, the all-American pastime on Saturdays isn't necessarily a trip to the baseball diamond. For many of us, it's a trip to the local Wal-Mart. This is particularly true as the back-to-school season is in full swin... read more • August 21, 2006 |
 | » A Second Look at the War on Terror by Nathan Tabor It was the headline seen on websites around the world-"Airlines Terror Plot Disrupted." Westerners awakened on August 10th to the news that a terrorist plot of possibly unprecedented proportions had been planned for planes from the U.K. hea... read more • August 12, 2006 |
 | » Say Hello to the Neo-McGovernites by Nathan Tabor I almost ignored anti-war Ned Lamont's win over pro-war Joe Lieberman in the Connecticut primary last night until I got a load of two of Lamont's cadre of celebrants. Directly behind a smiling Lamont were Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton - two of the mo... read more • August 9, 2006 |