Latest Columns, Page 30 |
 | » CDC: One Eye Closed by Jane Jimenez Unprecedented!" screamed Bruce Trigg of the New Mexico Department of Public Health. "Shocking!" lamented William Smith of the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States. "Astounded!" wailed Jonathan Zeni... read more • May 26, 2006
• Social Issues |
 | » Perhaps a Better Prayer by Rev. Mark Creech Thursday, May 11, Senate Chaplain Mike Morris delivered the following prayer before the guests and members of the North Carolina Senate: "This morning we offer thanks, O God, for the unexpected blessing of a $2 billion surplus in the State Treas... read more • May 24, 2006
• Political |
 | » Scientists Suggest Bestiality by Frederick Meekins A comical reworking of "Happy Birthday To You" ends, "You look like a monkey and you act like one too." If certain scientists have their way, that ditty might very well come to be seen as something akin to a racial slur. It is rep... read more • May 24, 2006
• Social Issues |
 | » Forsaking Foundations by Brad Locke In a recent game against the Dodgers, Barry Bonds hit a pop-up toward second baseman and former teammate/antagonist Jeff Kent. Instead of hustling to first base, Bonds headed for the dugout. When Kent dropped the ball, Bonds had to change direction a... read more • May 19, 2006
• Sports |
 | » CDC: Center for Disease Confusion by Jane Jimenez There is no doubt that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is involved in heroics on a daily basis. At the mention of the CDC, the mind conjures up pictures of people in white body suits racing across the world to halt the Ebola virus, swe... read more • May 18, 2006
• Social Issues |
 | » The Truth of Scripture -- The Lies of The Da Vinci Code by David Sisler A recent editorial in my local newspaper advised readers to feel free to be entertained by The Da Vinci Code, "but don't expect to be educated," because "it's a work of fiction." Indeed it is a work of fiction, but Dan Brown, the ... read more • May 17, 2006
• Entertainment |
 | » The Pill That Kills-Available at a Doctor Near You by Nathan Tabor Imagine going to your doctor and being offered a pill-not because you were sick, or in any danger of becoming sick. No-you're friendly physician is simply giving you drugs because you're a woman. If that sounds like a Hitchcock horror story to you-be... read more • May 17, 2006
• Social Issues |
 | » GASOLINE IS NOT GOING UP! by Paul Proctor For the first time in my life, I put $70 worth of gas in my car. It wasn't premium and my tank wasn't empty. Many around the country are experiencing the same kind of shock at the pump and really don't know why. As a result, everything else we purcha... read more • May 17, 2006
• Social Issues |
 | » Before Nicea, the Voice of the Martyrs: 'Jesus Alone Is Lord!' by Rev. Mark Creech This Friday, May 19, The Da Vinci Code is scheduled to debut in theatres across the nation. The book has sold more than any fictional work in U.S. history and the movie is expected to place among the top 20 feature films of all time. Although much of... read more • May 16, 2006
• Christian Living |
 | » Congress Threatens Internet Censorship by Frederick Meekins Thanks in part to sensational media reports, websites such as MySpace.com have gotten a reputation for attracting various kooks such as pedophiles and other nefarious miscreants. Now to make them look like they are doing something, the House of Repre... read more • May 16, 2006
• Social Issues |
 | » Abused: God's Holy Name by Marsha West You can run, you can hide, but you can't get away from it, "God knows I've tried." It seems that wherever you go, whether it's to the mall, a movie, the golf course, or the hardware store, you hear God's name being misused. It's become so c... read more • May 16, 2006
• Christian Living |
 | » Coping with the Culture by Shawn Conley In March 1992, Basic Instinct was released in theaters. Known for its sexually-driven characters and plot, the film boasted an opening weekend of over $15 million and was considered a box-office success. In contrast, Basic Instinct 2 opened in March ... read more • May 15, 2006
• Entertainment |