Latest Columns, Page 27 |
 | » Out-of-Bounds Campus Drinking by Rev. Mark Creech In his book Dying to Drink, Henry Wechsler, director of the Harvard School of Public Health College Alcohol Study, quoted a law school student: "In the university, we have entire generations that are learning to consume alcohol in an institution... read more • July 7, 2006
• Social Issues |
 | » m...m...m...Married? by Jane Jimenez They were a tender sight across the room, the two of them leaning across the table, talking and laughing, smiling into each other's eyes. Even as they ate dinner under the low lights, they kept their fingers laced together on the tabletop. As the wai... read more • July 6, 2006
• Christian Living |
 | » UnChristian Calling by Nathan Tabor It's bad enough that, in many places, Sunday is just another day in the work world. People rush to their jobs at the mall, at the restaurant, even at the bar-never stopping to think that even their Creator took a day off once in a while. You would th... read more • July 5, 2006
• Social Issues |
 | » Have We Lost the Culture War? by Joe Murray It's a story we have heard all too often. Girl goes to school. Girl studies extremely hard. Girl becomes valedictorian of her class. Girl asked to address her classmates at her graduation ceremony. Girl wants to thank her family and her friends. Girl... read more • July 4, 2006
• Social Issues |
 | » Seeking a Savior by Brad Locke Albert Pujols tests positive for steroids. What would you feel? Dwyane Wade is arrested for DUI. What would you say? Lance Armstrong is undoubtedly exposed as a doping cheat. What would you do? These are hypothetical scenarios that I hope never mater... read more • July 1, 2006
• Sports |
 | » Guilty Until Proven Innocent by Frederick Meekins In the commonwealth where Patrick Henry intoned, "Give me liberty or give me death" there is considerably less liberty to die for. A Virginia law is requiring colleges and universities in the Old Dominion to hand over the names and social s... read more • July 1, 2006
• Social Issues |
 | » Just Say "No!" When Jesse Jackson Comes Calling by Nathan Tabor Judicial Watch has released a report that details the shakedown tactics that have been used by Jesse Jackson and his Chicago-based Rainbow PUSH Coalition against some of the biggest companies in the world. Jackson's current target is oil giant Britis... read more • June 30, 2006
• Political |
 | » America's New Psychobabble by Tim Wildmon Something I am getting tired of in this country is the denial of truth in the name of sensitivity," I said to my lovely and talented wife Alison the other day while reading the paper. Some people have dubbed this "political correctness.&quo... read more • June 30, 2006
• Social Issues |
 | » What To Do When Your Church Hits A Pothole by Paul Proctor I doubt there is anyone who frequents an automobile these days that isn't furiously familiar with the teeth-rattling impact of potholes. You never see them coming; and no matter what route you take to your destination there always seems to be at leas... read more • June 29, 2006
• Christian Living |
 | » Capitol Criminals by Nathan Tabor Since the Clintons left office, Democrats have been a little dull, resisting the urge to engage in high crimes and misdemeanors. But, lo and behold, now we're recovering from a Democratic crime wave in Washington. And, what's so fascinating about the... read more • June 29, 2006
• Political |
 | » Sacrificing Truth for Love by Jane Jimenez Quotes about the truth abound. Hard truths. The truth, we are told, sometimes hurts. Hurt though it may, we are challenged. "If the shoe fits, wear it." Hard truths become real in a concrete picture. Truth is pinching toes and chafing heels... read more • June 28, 2006
• Christian Living |
 | » Discriminating Against Religion by Dinesh D'Souza The recent Supreme Court cases involving displays of the Ten Commandments in Texas and Kentucky produced confusing results. The Texas display was upheld and the Kentucky display was rejected. Essentially Texas was successful, and Kentucky not success... read more • June 28, 2006
• Social Issues |