Latest Columns, Page 28 |
 | » Take a Ride on the John Kerry WayBack Machine by Nathan Tabor After making a wrong turn in the lobby of a Washington hotel a few weeks ago, I found myself having to edge my way out of a conference room filled with glassy-eyed liberals, standing in rapt adulation while Senator John Kerry (D-MA) stood on stage, p... read more • June 23, 2006
• Political |
 | » Rift Develops Between Evangelical Homeschoolers & Constitutional Individualists by Frederick Meekins Homeschool guru Kevin Swanson has decided to cast aspersions on Alex Jones of Inforwars.com and PrisonPlanet.com. Swanson commenced his attack on the 6/2/06 broadcast of his program Generations Radio because Jones posted a story daring to suggest tha... read more • June 22, 2006
• Education |
 | » Monster-in-law by Marsha Jordan Jacob's father-in-law, Laban, wasn't a very nice guy. (Genesis 31) First, he made Jacob work seven years for permission to marry the girl he loved, Laban's daughter Rachel. Then, on the wedding day, the scoundrel deceived Jacob into marrying Rachel's... read more • June 20, 2006
• Christian Living |
 | » Attack of the Bloggers by Nathan Tabor There was a time in America when the most effective way for the average Joe to make his voice heard in the political process was in the confines of the voting booth. Once in a while-if he were lucky-he might even get a letter to the editor published ... read more • June 20, 2006
• Political |
 | » Great Kids? Thank Dad! by Janice Shaw Crouse My husband and I are often amused when someone praises us for being good parents. They see that our two adult children and their families are strong Christian believers and are well-adjusted and accomplished, and it is clear that they are trying to f... read more • June 18, 2006
• Christian Living |
 | » A Father's Influence Extends to Generations by Rev. Mark Creech Abraham had gone to Egypt because of a famine. His wife Sarah was a stunningly attractive woman and Abraham was deeply concerned someone might attempt to kill him to obtain her. So he instructed Sarah to say she was his sister. It was a half-truth be... read more • June 17, 2006
• Christian Living |
 | » Who Are The Vigilantes? by Frederick Meekins Liberal propagandists have conditioned the American people to believe that the Minutemen Project consists of vigilantes out to undermine the law, compromise good social order, and the sense of fairness essential to the character of the United States.... read more • June 16, 2006
• Political |
 | » Remembering Dad by Jane Jimenez My father has been gone for over ten years. It seems like yesterday ... I miss him still. He was a father from the "old school," an outdoorsman who took me out one freezing morning on a duck hunting trip. At 12 years of age, I felt honored ... read more • June 15, 2006
• Christian Living |
 | » True Devotion by Brad Locke I recently talked with a college soccer player who went to England and took in some Premiership matches. What immediately struck him about the British fans was how immersed they were in the action. They sat, watching intently and letting the ebb and ... read more • June 15, 2006
• Sports |
 | » Local Home Depot Employee Foments Linguistic Subversion by Frederick Meekins Though no doubt irritated by the practice, most Americans pretty much put up with the number of businesses and public utilities providing services in both English and Spanish, often with the interloping tongue regularly showcased as the primary mode ... read more • June 15, 2006
• Social Issues |
 | » 'Lost' Spells Tragedy by Rev. Mark Creech According to Reuters, 11 West Africans were found mummified on a yacht that authorities believe may have been drifting for months. On board their dead bodies lay like raisins in the sun. It appears they had been cut loose by another ship, lost in a c... read more • June 9, 2006
• Christian Living |
 | » Kaiser Embraces Abstinence Education? by Jane Jimenez Well, maybe the word "embraces" is too strong to describe Kaiser Network's publication of a summary of the recent Washington Times article on sex education. Then again, "embraces abstinence" pretty well sums up the impact of Kaise... read more • June 8, 2006
• Social Issues |