Latest Columns, Page 32 |
 | » Bibles and Football; Easter and Earnhardt by Brad Locke Each week, I use this column to explore the convergence of sports and spirituality, both in everyday life and in more metaphorical terms. A couple of recent news items show how the two can quite literally dovetail. Item #1: An indoor football team in... read more • April 21, 2006
• Sports |
 | » The Gospel of Judas: A Betrayal of the Truth by Rev. Mark Creech It's being hailed as the greatest archaeological find in the last 60 years. Some are saying the "Gospel of Judas," a Gnostic text that dates back to the second century, could force a completely different understanding of Christianity, more ... read more • April 20, 2006
• Christian Living |
 | » Lower Than the Dust by Jane Jimenez She often spent her days laying on the floor. And because it was a home for the mentally disturbed, they let her. Life at ground level looks different -- a world of ankles of infinite varieties, delicate and sexy, sturdy and stout. White shoes, all t... read more • April 19, 2006
• Social Issues |
 | » Democrats -- The GOP's Best Friends? by Matt Friedeman The Democrats, in many cases otherwise known as the Angry Left, desperately want one of their own to be Speaker of the House and another to be Majority Leader of the Senate. Not likely -- at least not early in 2007 when those oaths of office will be ... read more • April 17, 2006
• Political |
 | » Guilty of Quick Judgment by Brad Locke There is plenty wrong, I think, with our current judicial system. Just as troublesome, though, is the unchecked and unbalanced state of the court of public opinion. It is a loosely organized but extremely powerful entity, one that can condemn the inn... read more • April 17, 2006
• Sports |
 | » Still Golden After All These Years by Jane Jimenez I shudder with a mixture of dread and curiosity every time Jay takes to the street with his camera crew and a microphone in hand. In a regular feature "Jaywalking," Leno approaches people on a Hollywood street to survey their knowledge on c... read more • April 13, 2006
• Social Issues |
 | » Why Such a Hard Time with Miracles? by Rev. Mark Creech Over the years a number of explanations have been given to explain away Jesus' walking on the water. Some have argued Jesus wasn't actually walking on the water but was standing at the lake's edge in a shallow place. Because the night was cloudy and ... read more • April 12, 2006
• Christian Living |
 | » WHAT'S LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT? by Paul Proctor I'm not sure there is any word in the English language that has been more perverted, distorted and abused than the word "love." All one needs to do is browse the channels of any radio and TV; or survey the covers and headlines of those maga... read more • April 12, 2006
• Christian Living |
 | » Dialoguing Da Vinci by Paul Proctor Apparently, the new feature film starring Tom Hanks, called The Da Vinci Code, will start rolling in theaters on May 19th. Articles written by alarmed Christians, challenging its heretical content, are already appearing on various news and opinion si... read more • April 12, 2006
• Entertainment |
 | » Fighting Off Political Cynicism and Arrogance -- a Plan by Matt Friedeman Just talked with a editor of a local newspaper. We like each other but have precious little in common as far as political ideology is concerned. He is liberal; I am conservative. He is pro-abortion; I am pro-life. He voted for Mondale, Dukakis, Clint... read more • April 6, 2006
• Political |
 | » How's It Working for You? by Jane Jimenez America, how's it working for you? Who wants to know? Dr. Phil. That's who. Over 20 shows a month, 12 months a year, three and a half years ... you can purchase transcripts of over 840 Dr. Phil shows where America gets psychoanalyzed, diagnosed, chal... read more • April 5, 2006
• Social Issues |
 | » RICK WARREN - FUNDAMENTALIST OR FINAGLER? by Paul Proctor Journalist, Paul Nussbaum recently sent shock waves through a segment of the Christian community after reporting the following comments from Pastor Rick Warren in The Philadelphia Enquirer: "Warren predicts that fundamentalism, of all varieties, will... read more • March 16, 2006
• Christian Living |