Latest Columns, Page 24 |
 | » Elvis Has Left the Building by Joe Murray Elvis was the King of Rock and Roll," opined 30-year rock critic Dave Marsh, "because he was the embodiment of its sins and virtues, grand and vulgar, rude and elegant, powerful and frustrated, absurdly simple and awesomely complex." M... read more • August 17, 2006
• Entertainment |
 | » The Man Who Would Be King by Paul Proctor He was born in an out-of-the-way place, the son of a poor mother and father whom the world would one day call blessed. He arrived challenging the establishment and literally shook the world with things that eyes and ears had never before witnessed. H... read more • August 16, 2006
• Christian Living |
 | » Faith Stealers by Dr. Benjamin Wiker Witness the following nightmare. Mom and Dad, you scrimp and save for years to give your kids a good college education. You also invest even more time nurturing the faith of your children. With tears of pride (and perhaps, a second mortgage on your h... read more • August 16, 2006
• Education |
 | » A Youth Exodus From Church by Matt Friedeman AgapePress has reported that Dr. Frank Page, the new president of the Southern Baptist Convention, is disturbed that many students are leaving the church once they graduate. Indeed, the Convention's Council on Family Life reports that some 88 percent... read more • August 16, 2006
• Christian Living |
 | » Morning After Mania by Nathan Tabor Forget the threat of terrorism...the price of gas...or the struggle for families to make the monthly mortgage payments. No, the issue on the minds of many newspaper editorial writers is whether women can get pills. At a time when some medical experts... read more • August 14, 2006
• Social Issues |
 | » A Second Look at the War on Terror by Nathan Tabor It was the headline seen on websites around the world-"Airlines Terror Plot Disrupted." Westerners awakened on August 10th to the news that a terrorist plot of possibly unprecedented proportions had been planned for planes from the U.K. hea... read more • August 12, 2006
• Political |
 | » By Example by Brad Locke I'm in the midst of working on what's know in journalism parlance as a "football tab," which means almost all I've done the past six weeks is call coaches, go to practices, talk to players, write stories, beg for schedules and rosters, and ... read more • August 12, 2006
• Sports |
 | » Busted! by Ramesh Ponnuru Mel Gibson says that he is not an anti-Semite. Even the friendliest observer of his actions must, however, conclude that he has anti-Semitic impulses (among other troubles). His denial of anti-Semitism can be taken in two ways. It might be that his c... read more • August 11, 2006
• Christian Living |
 | » Say Hello to the Neo-McGovernites by Nathan Tabor I almost ignored anti-war Ned Lamont's win over pro-war Joe Lieberman in the Connecticut primary last night until I got a load of two of Lamont's cadre of celebrants. Directly behind a smiling Lamont were Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton - two of the mo... read more • August 9, 2006
• Political |
 | » Hey, Everybody, Let's Give Up! by Jane Jimenez Fifteen people sat around the conference table. Fourteen were educators teaching junior and senior high students about sexual abstinence until marriage. One person, Mr. Boss Man, at the head of the table, was a state leader in charge of setting the e... read more • August 9, 2006
• Social Issues |
 | » Hurting or Helping? by Marsha Jordan Over and over, Cobi screamed, "No! No!" as the nurse and I held him down. He sobbed in pain and begged for my help, but all I could do was push him down onto the table with all my might as he kicked at me. The look of fear on his face burne... read more • August 9, 2006
• Christian Living |
 | » Santorum's Surrender? by Joe Murray The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy," wrote Sun Tzu, "but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him." As the dust begins to settle on the battlefields that were home to a number of cultural skirmishes concerni... read more • August 8, 2006
• Social Issues |